Last night I was chatting with Amy about what we were going to wear tonight to our event at Blushington (stop everything and RSVP if you haven’t! See you there!) and my response was, “Let’s be honest, I’ll probably end up in a button-down, leather leggings or jeans and a pair of heels.” And while I have yet to make the final decision, I can almost guarantee you that it will be some variation on the above. If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times: I have a uniform. While I pride myself on being willing to wear just about anything (seriously, the more fabric, prints and garments the better), when given the choice or forced to go out, I always revert to old faithful. Perhaps it is how comfortable these faux leather leggings are (at under $100 a pop, they get confused for the real deal all the time), or maybe I lose my creativity when I don’t have a “reason” to get dolled up. Whatever the case may be, sometimes a girl just wants to wear something she already knows looks good.